Axiis Capital FAQ
If you have a question or need further information, please contact us.
1. Fund
Axiis Capital
2. Trustee
AMAL Trustees Pty Limited ACN 609 737 064 AFSL 483459
3. Manager
Axiis Capital Pty Ltd ACN 638 957 454 Corporate Authorised number 1285155
4. Investment Objective
The Fund’s investment objective will target a steady return to Investors (including income and capital growth) on their Application Money (after all fees and costs but before tax).
The Fund’s investment objective is not a forecast but rather an indication of what the Fund aims to achieve. The investment objective assumes that lending and all other relevant markets remain relatively stable throughout the term of the Fund.
The Fund may not achieve its investment objective. Neither investment returns nor the return of capital invested are guaranteed.
5. Investment Strategy
The Fund may invest in Loans including the following –
- Loan for the purpose of construction, development and sub-division of residential, commercial, industrial and retail property;
- Loan to the purpose of purchase of residential, retail, commercial and / or industrial premises that are primarily serviced by the rental income generated;
- Short term funding for businesses supported by real property security or security interest;
- Lease finance arrangements for business equipment;
- Corporate debt.
The Fund may also invest excess funds in government bonds, corporate bonds, bank bills, term deposits, commercial paper, fixed interest, managed investments, and mortgaged-backed and asset-backed securities.
See section 6 for further information on investments that the Fund may make.
6. Who can invest in the Fund?
The Fund is open to investments from Wholesale Clients or Sophisticated Investors (Qualifying Investors).
The Trustee will not issue Units to any person that it considers in its sole and complete discretion, may not be a Qualifying Investor.