Qualifying Investors

The Fund is open to Qualified Investors via an ‘Investment Memorandum’ (IM) seeking a regular income from a pool of high yield loans predominantly secured by a registered first mortgage over real property.

Why Invest?

Having a registered mortgage over ‘Real Property’ gives comfort to the investor if the borrower defaults on their obligation to meet their financial commitments and allows the Fund to complete the project and sell the property or assets to recover investors’ investments.


All loans are secured by tangible assets. All properties are assessed by one of our panel valuers and funding loaned according the Loan to Value Ratio (LVR) This LVR is set to counter normal movements of the property market.

Low Volatility

This investment style exploits the low volatility anomaly. According to financial theory risk and return should be positively related, however in practice this is not true. Low-volatility investors aim to achieve market-like returns, but with lower risk. This investment style is also referred to as minimum volatility, minimum variance, managed volatility, smart beta defensive and conservative investing.


The Fund invests is a suite of ‘Select Mortgages’ that are carefully assessed by our experienced ‘Credit Team’.


The Borrowers are held to strict loan repayment schedules of both principal and interest, Investors will receive regular payments as a result.
Request a copy of the Investment Memorandum now? 

The Trustee may not issue Units to any person that it considers in its sole and complete discretion, may not be a Qualifying Investor.